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My latest acquisition

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Great looking gun- congratulations!

I should be getting the paperwork back on my M3A1 the end of July- like waiting for the birth of a new baby.

I shot it a few weeks ago at my Class 3 dealer- ran like a top.

I think the Greasegun is very under rated.

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Good looking M3. Congratulations! It's been an 11 month wait so far for my Thompson, a 2 stamp deal. Don't know if I'll live long enough to be able to go thru this again, but I've got an integrally suppressed 22 pistol ready to transfer in also, so here we go again...guess I'll never learn.
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Yes , everyone whines that they're unreliable , but of all my MGs , my original M3 has given me no problems and shoots where it points , and my Media M3A1 has worked flawlessly even though the sights were way off . I welded a Ruger Superblackhawk front sight on it and it's aligned now. Only my A4 from Kent Lamont worked as good from the box. All the others needed tweeking to almost complete replacement rebuilds.


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Grease gun unreliable? Say who? When I first got mine, I couldn't believe how it kept firing and firing. So I decided to see how long it would fire without cleaning it. I should have logged how many magazines of cast lead bullet reloads it shot before the guide rods were so gunked up that the bolt would screech as it tried to strip a round from the magazine and fire but I am guessing it was 20. Even then just a simple shot of oil on the bolt guide rods would have put it back in business. A buddy of mine had SWC 200 grain bullets and they fed fine (99%) but were not 100% like the 230 grain RN. Another thing to occasionally clean is the extractor. Another shooter shot his for years and was occasionally getting jams. He finally remover the extractor from the bolt (it was all caked up) clean the hole out and back to 100%. I have an extra extractor pin removal tool that I would trade for an original Thompson buffer spring tool if someone is interested. A grease gun has charm and a face that not only a mother loves!

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  • 2 months later...

They stand for " Red River Army Depot " and " Rock Island Armory " . Are you sure it's " EC " and not "EB " ?

EB is Elmer Bjerke , whose stamp was used between 1947 and 1958 at RIA .

They would be stamps of where the firearm went in for inspection / rebuild.


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Thanks! It can be "EB" ... the photos is not clear enough.

That's interesting. It's the first Grease Gun I see with this markings.

Edited by Hamster
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