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Select fire BM59 MK III

Stgw. 57

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I recently acquired a select fire BM59 MK III or ITAL TA, based on a Springfield receiver from February 1945.

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The BM59 with my TRW M15 and a Garand.




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What do you think about the folding stock? How is it in full auto?


I'm sorry, but i haven't shot its on full-auto yet. IMHO the only way to shoot the BM-59, as well as the M-14, in full-auto, without just wasting ammo, is in the prone position with the bipod. But my best guess would be that there won't be a big difference in between the folding and the fixed stock.

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Stgw. 57, It is a M14 not and M15! The M15 was the heavy barreled version and although adopted it was never put into production. It intended role as the squad automatic rifle was first filled by the M14 (Modified) (a M14 with a bipod added) and then the M14A1 (know as the M14E2 before its official adoption).


One other thing, it appears you have the wrong trigger and winter trigger on the BM59 Ital Alpine. The trigger and winter trigger should be marked with a TA. They a different than the standard trigger and winter trigger to accommodate the pistol grip.


Just remembered I picked up a TA marked winter trigger from Standard Parts awhile back. You might want to check with them if you are interested in correcting your Alpini.

Edited by The Wizard
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