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Looking For A Thompson Stand...

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I am looking to find out if this stand exists or if there is a snowed in woodworker that would take on a project.


Would like a stand similar to the regular existing stand that has a rest in front of the mag well, however would also have a rest where the stock slides on. This would allow the gun to sit on the stand (without stock) in a regular 28 inch wide safe.


If it were made a inch or so higher than normal, the Thompson could be displayed with a full side view on a shelf with a L drum installed and the shelf would only have to be about 10.5 inches high.



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This is one the BambiKiller made for me....





Then Gordon H makes has one.



And then someone on the board lately made a few, don't know if they were for sale really..... I like Dan's over Gordo's as it seems more secure when the gun rest in it.... But it does cover more of the though.....

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Dan's stand would work well, if he put the uprights about 2 inches to the right so the gun was centered with the stock removed. Then it would work in the safe.


I have Gordon's and it works great on a table, it's just too wide for my intended use (because of the way the gun is intended to sit on it).


Zeplen made some excellent ones, (he had some on the board recently). But I can't get a hold of him, with all the snow Minnesota received he's probably busy shoveling his driveway.

Edited by FireMerc
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Zeplen made a stand for me that holds my M1 Thompson with a 30rd. mag. in it. I used the stand recently at a gun show & it works great. He has the stands ready to sell now. They are made out of oak. The stand is the one pictured in a previous post that is titled Bambie Killer in this thread. The stand doesnot tip over as I have tried it with my gun & it doesn't.

Contact me & I'll give you his phone #.


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