The Thompson Submachine Gun / General Information Forums
- 173.2k
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- 7.8k
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- 286
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- 34
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- 3.5k
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- 6.8k
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- 11.5k
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- 1.1k
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- 435
- posts
- 466
- posts
- WH M1 Photos
- By dalbert,
- 87
- posts
- 133
- posts
Law Enforcement Tools, Specialty, and Other Military Weapons
- 503
- posts
- 556
- posts
- 195
- posts
- 119
- posts
- 347
- posts
The M1/M2 Carbine and U.S. Combat Shotguns
- 2k
- posts
- 1k
- posts
The M14 Rifle & M60 Machine Gun
- 582
- posts
- 797
- posts
The Browning Machine Gun, Tippmann, Browning Automatic Rifle (BAR), and Johnson Rifle & LMGs
- 3.8k
- posts
- 1.1k
- posts
- 49
- posts
- 163
- posts
The Reising Submachine Gun & UD-M42 Submachine Gun
The U.S. M3-M3A1 Submachine Gun
- 3.2k
- posts
The Ingram Model 6 Submachine Gun
- 1k
- posts
Commonwealth Machine & Submachine Guns: The Sten Gun, Sterling SMG, Bren LMG, Lewis Gun, and Owen Gun
- 3.1k
- posts
- 1.5k
- posts
- 179
- posts
- Owen photo
- By maxfaxdude,
Swedish and Finnish Submachine Gun Forums
- 1.7k
- posts
The BM59 Rifle & Italian Submachine Guns
- 1.8k
- posts
- 495
- posts
The MP38-40 - 43/44 Maschinenpistole
The MG34 - 42
- 1.1k
- posts
Water-Cooled Machine Guns, Japanese Weapons, and Russian Submachine Guns
- 610
- posts
- 259
- posts
- 992
- posts
- New Forums - Unique, Vintage Discussion Boards Migrated to a New Location
- 280
- posts
- Linked 50BMG
- By Rekraps,
- 29
- posts
- 50
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- 5
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- 120
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- Unfired M96
- By tINY,
- 211
- posts
- 10
- posts