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  1. The Thompson Submachine Gun / General Information Forums

    1. Thompson Submachine Gun Message Board

      Discussion of all aspects of the Thompson Submachine Gun and related firearms. You will not find a more informative website on the subject. All NFA Rules Apply!

    2. Thompson Semi-Auto Discussion Forum (West Hurley & Kahr Semis)

      As of 12/29/12, if your Thompson topic only applies to semi-automatic examples made by Auto-Ordnance in West Hurley, New York, or Kahr Arms in Worcester, MA, you should post in this forum. If your post has relevance to full auto Thompsons, it should be posted in the main Thompson forum. Semi-auto posts prior to 12/29/12 will remain in the main Thompson forum.
    3. Colt Serial #'s - Board Photo Instructions - Thompson Reference Books - TSMG CD

      All Links Inside! - This board is intended as an information depository - It's not the primary TSMG forum, but supports it with additional, specialized content.
    4. Thompson Collector Groups - Information and Reference

      This forum is provided as a resource for collector associations associated with the Thompson Submachine Gun to post information about joining their organizations, as well as certain static content, such as newsletters, etc.
    5. Gangsters, Outlaws & Lawmen of the Early 20th Century Forum

      This forum is intended to complement the Thompson SMG Forum. Many who are interested in the TSMG also have an interest in other, early 20th Century firearms, cars, and the spectacular history of crime and law enforcement in the 1920’s and 1930’s to which they were associated. So, if you want to discuss Dillinger Thompsons, go to the TSMG forum, but if you want to discuss the finer historical points of Dillinger the outlaw, you should post here.
    6. 6.8k
    7. Class III Forum

      Discussion of Class III items not covered by other forums on the website. All NFA Rules Apply!
    8. What Is It? - Ask the Firearm Experts Forum

      We have many experts who frequent this website. This forum is intended for posting questions about firearms and firearm related items that may be unknown to the poster, for which they would like to seek the advice of advanced knowledge firearm collectors.
    9. The Firearm Manual and Book Forum

      Discussion of general firearm & Class III firearm manuals and related books. Do you have a book review, or questions about what manuals or books exist for a firearm? Post your reviews and questions here.
    10. Firearm Photography Forum

      Firearms and photography are two lifelong interests that resulted in the creation of this forum. The forum will focus on firearm photographic techniques and equipment, and posting of favorite firearm photos, such as still lifes with the firearm accessories and related, vintage items.
    11. Reproduction Firearm and Accessory Awareness Forum

      Since 2008, the Thompson Submachine Gun board at the top of this website has led the way on identification and awareness of reproduction accessories. This new forum is intended as a place to discuss, vet, debate, and document any firearm or accessory that is possibly fake, reproduction, or whatever term is preferred. It should be noted that some legitimate reproduction items exist, and it is the position of this website that they should be marked appropriately.
    12. Firearm Museum Forum

      This forum is for posting photos and information about firearm museums around the world that may be of interest to our members.  Perhaps an upcoming vacation stop?  Forum added 10/4/24. 


  2. Law Enforcement Tools, Specialty, and Other Military Weapons

    1. Tear Gas Guns and Other Specialized Law Enforcement Tools

      This forum is intended for discussion of Tear Gas Guns and accessories, such as those manufactured or sold by Manville, Lake Erie Chemical Company, and Federal Laboratories. Other, specialized, vintage law enforcement equipment is also open for discussion. All NFA Rules Apply!
    2. Curio & Relic AOW (Any Other Weapon) Forum

      This forum is for discussion of C&R status AOW's such as the H&R Handy Gun and Ithaca Auto Burglar guns. All NFA Rules Apply!
    3. Military Flamethrower, Rocket Launcher, and Other Weapon Forum

      This forum is intended for discussion of worldwide military Flamethrowers, Rocket Launchers, and other unusual weapons. WWII and Vietnam era flamethrowers, and "Bazookas," and later launchers such as L.A.W.S. are open for historical and collector discussion. All NFA Rules and Other Ordinances Apply!
    4. Flare Gun Forum

      Discussion of flare guns of all types - This forum is intended to encourage better understanding and documentation of the multitude of flare guns that exist in the world.
    5. Destructive Device Forum

      Discussion of NFA Destructive Devices of any type. This forum is intended for currently used launchers such as the M79, M203, Streetsweepers, Howitzers, Oerlikons, Lahti 20MM's, etc. It will also include discussion of 26.5mm and 37mm launchers that fall outside of the vintage tear gas gun genre.
  3. The M1/M2 Carbine and U.S. Combat Shotguns

    1. The M1/M2 Carbine Message Board

      This forum is primarily a resource for NFA M2 Carbine owners, and also includes general M1 Carbine discussion. All NFA Rules Apply.
    2. U.S. Combat Shotguns Message Board

      This forum is focused on discussing U.S. combat shotguns from World War I to the present day.
  4. The M14 Rifle & M60 Machine Gun

    1. The M14 Rifle

      Discussion of the U.S. M14 Rifle, and current semi-auto variants. All NFA Rules Apply!
    2. The M60 General Purpose Machine Gun

      Discussion of the M60 Machine Gun, with a focus on its history and technical specifications. All NFA Rules Apply!
  5. The Browning Machine Gun, Tippmann, Browning Automatic Rifle (BAR), and Johnson Rifle & LMGs

    1. Browning Message Board (Full Auto Only)

      Discussion of Browning Machine Guns and Browning Automatic Rifles. All NFA Rules Apply!
    2. Browning Message Board (Semi Only)

      Discussion of semi-automatic versions of Browning Machine Guns and the M1918A3 Browning Automatic Rifle. All NFA Rules Apply!
    3. Tippmann Arms Co. Miniature Browning Machine Gun Forum

      This forum is for discussion of Tippmann Arms Co. miniature Browning Machine Guns manufactured by Dennis Tippmann in Ft. Wayne, Indiana. All NFA Rules Apply!
    4. Johnson Rifle and Light Machine Gun Forum

      Discussion of Melvin Johnson designed firearms, particularly the M1941 Johnson Rifle and Johnson Light Machine Guns. All NFA Rules Apply!
  6. The Reising Submachine Gun & UD-M42 Submachine Gun

    1. Reising Message Board

      Discussion of Harrington & Richardson Reising Model 50 & 55 Submachine Guns, Model 60 Semi-Automatic Carbines, and Reising .22 Rifles such as the Model 65, 165, 150, 151, and MC-58. Also, coverage of Reising pistols made by the Reising Arms Co. and Reising Mfg. Co. in the 1920's. All NFA rules apply! - Visit Frank Iannamico's Machinegunbooks.com website to purchase "The Reising Submachine Gun Story"
    2. The United Defense Model 42 (UD-M42) Submachine Gun Forum

      Discussion of the United Defense Model 42 (UD-M42)Submachine Gun, manufactured by High Standard and Marlin during WWII. All NFA Rules Apply!
  7. The U.S. M3-M3A1 Submachine Gun

    1. The U.S. M3-M3A1 Message Board

      All NFA Rules Apply - Visit Frank Iannamico's Machinegunbooks.com website to purchase "The U.S. M3-3A1 Submachine Gun" book!
  8. The Ingram Model 6 Submachine Gun

    1. The Ingram Model 6 SMG Message Board

      Discussion of the Ingram Model 6 Submachine Gun and Semi-Automatic Carbines manufactured by Police Ordnance Company in Los Angeles, CA in the late 1940's and early 1950's. All NFA Rules Apply!
  9. Commonwealth Machine & Submachine Guns: The Sten Gun, Sterling SMG, Bren LMG, Lewis Gun, and Owen Gun

    1. Sten, Sterling, and Lanchester SMG Message Boards

      Discussion forum for all types of Sten, Sterling, and Lanchester Submachine Guns. All NFA rules apply! - Visit Frank Iannamico's Machinegunbooks.com website to purchase "The British Sten Manual"
    2. Bren Light Machine Gun & Lewis Gun Message Board

      Discussion of the Bren Light Machine Gun and the Lewis Gun. All NFA Rules apply.
    3. The Owen Gun Message Board

      Discussion of the Australian Owen Submachine Gun. All NFA Rules Apply!
  10. Swedish and Finnish Submachine Gun Forums

    1. 1.7k
  11. The BM59 Rifle & Italian Submachine Guns

    1. BM59 Message Boards

      This forum is for discussion of the Beretta BM59, and other related rifles. All NFA Rules Apply!
    2. Italian Submachine Guns

      Discussion of WWII era and later Italian Submachine Guns. All NFA Rules Apply!
  12. The MP38-40 - 43/44 Maschinenpistole

    1. The MP38-40 - 43/44 Message Board

      All NFA Rules Apply - Visit Frank Iannamico's Machinegunbooks.com website to Purchase "Blitzkrieg! - The MP40 Maschinenpistole of WWII" Book!
  13. The MG34 - 42

    1. MG34 - 42 Message Board

      All NFA Rules Apply! Discussion of the German MG34 and MG42 Machine Guns.
  14. Water-Cooled Machine Guns, Japanese Weapons, and Russian Submachine Guns

    1. Maxim, Vickers, & Other Water-Cooled Machine Guns

      All NFA Rules Apply! This forum is for discussion of all types of water-cooled machine guns.
    2. Japanese Machine Guns & Other Firearms

      All NFA Rules Apply! Discussion of WWII Japanese Machine Guns of all types, including the Types 11, 96, and 99 Machine Guns, and the Type 100 Submachine Gun, as well as Knee Mortars, and any other type of Japanese firearm of interest.
    3. Russian Submachine Gun Forum

      Discussion of Russian Submachine guns, such as the PPSh 41 and 43. Al NFA Rules Apply!
  15. Biggerhammer.net New Forums - Unique, Vintage Discussion Boards Migrated to a New Location

    1. Barrett, Serbu & Other .50 Caliber Rifles Discussion Forum

      The original .50 Caliber forum at Biggerhammer.net is now archived on the Biggerhammer site. As of 10/2/15, new discussion posts will be made in the Biggerhammer.net section of Machinegunboards.com. This forum is for discussion of .50 caliber rifles made by Barrett, Serbu, and other manufacturers.
    2. Bushmaster Armpistol Discussion Forum

      The Biggerhammer.net site has hosted a Gwinn Firearms Bushmaster Armpistol section since 1999, however a discussion forum was never established. With the migration of the Biggerhammer boards to Machinegunboards.com on 10/2/15, this new section is intended to invite discussion on this unique pistol design.
    3. Detonics Pistols Discussion Forum

      The original Detonics forum at Biggerhammer.net is now archived on the Biggerhammer site. As of 10/2/15, new discussion posts will be made in the Biggerhammer.net section of Machinegunboards.com. This forum is for discussion of Detonics and New Detonics pistols.
    4. HAC-7 Discussion Forum

      The original HAC-7 forum at Biggerhammer.net is now archived on the Biggerhammer site. As of 10/2/15, new discussion posts will be made in the Biggerhammer.net section of Machinegunboards.com. This forum is for discussion of the Holloway Arms Company HAC-7 Rifle.
    5. Robinson Armament Company M96 Expeditionary Rifle Discussion Forum

      The original Robinson M96 forum at Biggerhammer.net is now archived on the Biggerhammer site. As of 10/2/15, new discussion posts will be made in the Biggerhammer.net section of Machinegunboards.com. This forum is for discussion of the Robinson Armament Company M96 Expeditionary Rifle.
    6. SIG AMT, PE57, and 550 Discussion Forum

      Who loves Swiss semi-automatic military rifles? Over the years at the Biggerhammer.net site, much great discussion has occurred on the SIG AMT, PE57, and 550 series of rifles. The original SIG AMT & 550 forum at Biggerhammer.net is now archived there. As of 10/2/15, new discussion posts will be made in the Biggerhammer.net section of Machinegunboards.com. This forum is for discussion of the SIG AMT, PE57, and 550 series of rifles.
    7. Stoner SR-25 Rifle Discussion Forum

      This forum offers discussion on one of the most accurate semi-automatic production rifles ever designed, which now has a distinguished history. The original SR-25 forum at Biggerhammer.net is now archived on the Biggerhammer site. As of 10/2/15, new discussion posts will be made in the Biggerhammer.net section of Machinegunboards.com. This forum is for discussion of the Knight's Manufacturing Company Stoner SR-25 Rifle.
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